Hi, people. Just to get in touch with you and tell you that we’re in the process of a new clip. We haven’t stopped the animation works so you’ll hear about new content in the future
Hi, people. Just to get in touch with you and tell you that we’re in the process of a new clip. We haven’t stopped the animation works so you’ll hear about new content in the future
Como será el clip y cuanto dura?
Será un clip musical. Durará más de 4 min. Por eso el tiempo de espera.
A lot of people still believe the government will help them when in need. I do2&n8#17;t really think the government cares too much when low profile people take trips, and still are there for us. Is there such a thing as: government issued gps ankle bracelets?
how old are they look younger then me and I am 13
They have the same age of the pony counterparts buy the style is sorta SD, hence the look.