- FluttERR by Nyako-Tyan Koneko
- FluttERR by ShadeIrving
- Pinkie MLH in pajamas by Eric
- FluttERR Twilight by Knuclesfan
- Sunset Shimmer by Samantha Shimmer
- Pinkie Pie MLH by Knuclesfan
- Bedtime Fluttershy by Jessi
- Princess Cadence by Fluffle
- Jukebox James OC by MyJazzyMac
- Lyra Heartstrings profile by Fluffle
- Lyra Heartstrings by Dua Hashimi
- Silver Spoon by Jessi
- Diamond Tiara by Jessi
- Cheerelee by Jessi
- Coco Pomel by Jessi
- Maud Pie by Jessi
- Twilight Rainbow Power by Jessi
- Pinkie Rainbow Power by Jessi
- Photo Finish by Jessi
- Moon Dancer by Jessi
- Minuette (Colgate) by Jessi
- Coloratura by Jessi
- DJ-Pon3 by Eric
Send your fanart to
I have already drawn lyra heartstrings
I’ve already finished drawing to lyra heartstrings
Cool, send it to info (a) We’re on the duty of building a section for people to send their art 🙂
sending the image to that page?
Yes, to that mail 🙂
Is it
can you you a pinkie pie song
you think you could do princess cadance, princess luna and prinecss celestia? also what about the character profiles?
Yeah 🙂
Want to be friends if you do go on hangouts If dont do nothing at all
No problem with that.
how would you portray the breezies?
again, what’s the progress of the crystal fair song? and the opening from seasons 1 thru 4?
also if you wanted to do an episode from the show, how long would it take you with your own puppets?? and when will the profiles be ready? and do you guys have an email address
Hi Donald, I guess I answered you on DA. you can write us at 🙂
I have finished drawing Princess cadance I will send by email
I have finished drawing the princess celestia and luna and send them. Do you speak Spanish?
Ooohh, I luv the art of the mane 6 and others. I hope you do more! In fact, I plan on doing other characters including my own OC’s in the MH style. If you want them, I can give em to ya when I’m finished 🙂
We’ll love that.
I drew Lyra Heartstrings and I sent it to
The page is running ok by now 🙂 Your art is published. Sorry for the delay.
Pingback: MLH | Fanart
uno puede enviar aqui sus ocs personalizados??
Claro. Si tienes algunos, nos gustarÃa que los enviaras 🙂
En serio? No sabia.
i’ve already drwan diamond tiara when is it coming here?
Done 🙂 We’re happy that we could inspire you. Their MLH versions looks great
No prob 😉
i made black shadow.
Hablas español? (?)
Si no hablas español te digo todo en ingles después xd
En esta galerÃa yo puedo enviar mis dibujos de MLH, no?
Tengo unas preguntas
1- Puede ser cualquier personaje?
2- Se puede enviar oc’s?
3- Siempre tiene que ser pintado?
Espero sus repuestas n.n
SÃ, hablamos español y la galerÃa es para que mandes tus dibujos.
Bueno, respecto a tus preguntas:
1- SÃ, cualquier personaje.
2- También
3- ¿Qué otra forma tienes en mente?
Y esperamos igualmente tu respuesta ^ ^
Gracias por la respuesta! c:
Ya estoy haciendo a Starlight Glimmer *u*
That’s my Pinkie artwork
Yes, it is 🙂
I see, that your page needs fresh & unique articles.
I know it is hard to write posts manually everyday, but there is solution for
this. Just search in g00gle for: Atonemen’s tips
Have you look up my recent email I send you? It’s my fan picture of MLH-version of Vinyl Scratch. So should I resent you again, just in case you don’t get it?
Will you guys be at bronycon this year?