Rarity is up in the profiles section. Sorry for having just a single turn around.
Author Archives: Skill:Draw
Check out the Art section to watch the MLH art pieces that some young artists are sharing with us 🙂
Pinkie Pie profile Up
As the title says, beloved Pinkie profile for MLH is up 🙂
Sorry for not having all the angles as always but there will be more soon.
Next thing to do is to fill the art section with fan art that we owe to our fans that sent it time ago. Sorry for taking too long.
Page settings
We finally made some changes we wanted in the page code tanks to our good friend Keyrux. At last, we can go with the things we want for the page. Those like adding the remaining videos in the videos section.
For all of those of you that are wondering when are we gonna finish the profile drawings, we don’t have a date cause It’ is updated as we make the puppets for the animations. Hope you understand. Anyway, we gonna put more bios to complete the mane six and more.
Tomorrow I will be here again to notify about things 🙂
See you soon!
First News